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Third Party Emulation: Non-EmuDeck Tools and Resources

Learn how to install various tools and resources related to emulation on your Steam Deck outside of what EmuDeck installs. These tools and resources are either difficult to implement into EmuDeck's installation script directly, require elaborate setup, or may be added to EmuDeck in the future pending time and resources.

The guides on this page are not officially supported by EmuDeck. Many require some level of comfort in the terminal to successfully install. Regardless of your comfort with the terminal, the guides will cover as much detail as possible to address a wide variety of expertise levels. If you get stuck on a certain part, it is encouraged you Google and troubleshoot. The EmuDeck Discord will not be able to promise support for the guides available on this page.

Third Party Emulation Table of Contents

  1. Decompilations and Reverse Engineered PC Ports

  2. Emulators

  3. Emulation Related Games

  4. Emulation Related Tools

  5. How to Contribute to This Page

Decompilations and Reverse Engineered PC Ports

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Getting Started with Decompilations and Reverse Engineered PC Ports

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How to Set up Distrobox

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Many of the decompilations and reverse engineered PC ports must be compiled. Compiling on the Steam Deck can be a bit tricky. Distrobox is one solution to make compiling these easy to do and any changes made within a Distrobox are retained on SteamOS updates.

This section will go over setting up a Distrobox, which you will utilize throughout this page.

Prerequisites: Sudo Password

Note: Skip this section if you have already set a sudo password

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Konsole, type in passwd, and press enter
  2. You'll be prompted to create a password. Your text will not be visible. After you press enter, you will need to type your password again to confirm
  3. Exit out of Konsole

How to Install Distrobox

Note: This section will require using sudo.

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Konsole and enter the following lines, one at a time
    curl -s | sh -s -- --prefix ~/.local
    sudo touch /etc/subuid /etc/subgid
    sudo usermod --add-subuid 100000-165535 --add-subgid 100000-165535 $USER
  2. Download a supported container manager. For most people, lilipod is more than enough and can be obtained by downloading lilipod-linux-amd64 from
    • Alternatively, you can use podman if you need more than what lilipod offers
  3. Rename lilipod-linux-amd64 to lilipod. If using podman, rename podman-launcher-amd64 to podman
    • Casing and spelling are important
  4. Right click lilipod or podman, click Properties, click Permissions, and ensure Is executable is checked
  5. Move the lilipod or podman file to /home/deck/.local/bin/
    • ~/.local is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click "view hidden files" to see these folders

How to Configure bashrc


These instructions are for the default shell If you are using another shell, replace .bashrc with the rc of your appropriate shell

  1. In Desktop Mode, open the /home/deck folder
    • You may not see the word deck in the file path at the top, this is the home folder for the deck user
  2. Click the hamburger menu in the top right, , click Show Hidden Files
  3. Right click .bashrc, click Open with Kate or a file editor of your choice
  4. Add these lines to the bottom of the .bashrc file
# Uncomment the xhost line below if you know that you are using xhost
#xhost +si:localuser:$USER
export PATH=$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH
  1. Save the .bashrc file and exit
  2. If you had a terminal open previously (Konsole), close out of it and re-open before proceeding to the next section

How to Set Up Distrobox

The various sections on this page will assume you are using the Ubuntu distrobox created in the section below. However, if you prefer, you may also create a Debian distrobox (the commands will mostly be identical) or use a distro of your choice (you will need to figure out how to install the various dependencies).

  1. Open Konsole
  2. Create a Distrobox of a distro of your choice. In this example, we will use Ubuntu:
    • distrobox create --name ubuntu -i ubuntu:23.04
      • --name ubuntu assigns a name to the distrobox, replace ubuntu with your preferred name
      • -i ubuntu:23:04 selects a distro, replace ubuntu:23:04 with your preferred distro
      • If you get multiple options after inputting this command, select the image by pressing enter on the respective line
  3. To enter the Distrobox, open Konsole and enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
      • This command enters the distrobox (assigned by name in Step 2), replace ubuntu with the name you typed in Step 2
      • You will need to enter the Distrobox when compiling the various games on this page. You can identify when you are in a Distrobox by looking at the lefthand side of Konsole. Using the Distrobox created by this guide, it will say deck@ubuntu

Other Distros

You can see a list of all available distros compatible with Distrobox here

Terminal Tips and Tricks

  • cd
    • Change directories
    • For example, if you are working in a folder in terminal and need to change to a subfolder, enter cd subfoldername
      • You can press tab to auto-complete the sub-folder name as well
  • cd .. or cd -
    • Change into the previous directory
  • Tab button
    • Auto complete file and path names
  • ls or ll
    • List all of the folders and files in the current directory
  • ~ can be used in place of home
    • For example, if you have a folder in your Applications that you would like to navigate to, you can use cd ~/Applications instead of typing cd /home/deck/Applications
  • mkdir
    • Create folders
    • For example: mkdir foldername
  • Ctrl + C
    • Terminate a running process
  • Up arrow key button
    • Repeat last used command
  • Ctrl + L
    • Clear the screen
  • Ctrl + U
    • Clear current input
  • Ctrl + A
    • Jump to beginning of the line


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2Ship2Harkinian: Majora's Mask

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What is 2Ship2Harkinian?

An unofficial PC port of The Legend of Zelda Majora's Mask.


Supported Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask ROMs

To check the hash of your ROM, right click the ROM, click Properties, click Checksums, click Calculate to the right of SHA1 and validate it matches one of the below hashes.

  • 7f5630dbc4d5d61d6276213210c4d5cdd83a47d6
  • d6133ace5afaa0882cf214cf88daba39e266c078
  • 9743aa026e9269b339eb0e3044cd5830a440c1fd

Setting up 2Ship2Harkinian

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You can choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a 2Ship2Harkinian folder
  2. Download the latest Linux version of 2Ship2Harkinian: to the folder you created in Step 1
    • Download the file
  3. Right click and click Extract > Extract archive here
    • If it creates a subfolder, move the contents directly to /home/deck/Applications/2Ship2Harkinian
  4. Right click 2ship.appimage, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable

Installing 2Ship2Harkinian

  1. Place your The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask ROM in /home/deck/Applications/2Ship2Harkinian
  2. Open 2ship.AppImage, wait for it to finish generating the OTR
  3. To play 2Ship2Harkinian, open 2ship.AppImage

How to Install Custom Textures and Mods

Texture Pack and Mod Sources

This list is not exhaustive

How to Install Custom Textures and Mods

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/2Ship2Harkinian, create a mods folder if one does not exist already
    • Casing matters
  2. Place your mods or textures directly into this folder. Mods or textures typically have a .otr file extension
    • If you have a .rar or .zip file, you will need to extract it first
  3. Depending on the mod or texture pack, you may need to enable it in game as well. Refer to the mod or texture pack for any additional instructions

2Ship2Harkinian Save Location

Saves for 2Ship2Harkinian are in the same folder as the 2ship.AppImage. If you followed this section, your saves will be in /home/deck/Applications/2Ship2Harkinian.

How to Transfer Zelda64: Majora's Mask Saves to 2Ship2Harkinian

If you have a save you would like to transfer from Zelda64: Majora's Mask, open 2Ship2Harkinian in Desktop Mode. Drag the save from Zelda64 to the open 2Ship2Harkinian window.

For the save locations, see Zelda64: Save Location

Cannonball: OutRun Engine

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How to Build Cannonball on the Steam Deck

What is this?

CannonBall is a souped-up game engine for the OutRun arcade game.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following:
    • sudo apt install -y sdl2-dev libboost-dev cmake make

Setting Up Cannonball

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone --recursive
  3. A cannonball folder will be created, `
  4. You will add your ROM files will be added after the build is finished

Building Cannonball

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/cannonball, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • mkdir build
    • mkdir roms
    • cd build
    • cmake --fresh -DTARGET=linux.cmake -DOpenGL_GL_PREFERENCE=GLVND -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Release" -S ../cmake/
    • make -j4 VERBOSE=1
  3. Wait for it to finish building

Providing ROM Files for Super Cannonball

You must provide particular versions of the OutRun ROM files to run Cannonball. OutRun Revision B Roms need to unpacked into the cannonball/build/roms folder. The cannonball/roms/roms.txt file lists the expected file names to help you check that you have unpacked the correct files.

The location of suitable files cannot be linked here because they are copyright. When you have a suitable archive unpack it so that the files are directly in cannonball/build/roms and not in any subdirectory.

How to Configure Cannonball

See the Cannonball manual:

No particular reconfiguration is needed for the Steam Deck. The game will default to 16:9 widescreen, and has no 16:10 mode, so there will be small black bars at the top and bottom of the SteamDeck screen. Options can be changed inside the Cannonball UI.

How to Run Cannonball

  • cd ~/Applications/distrobox/cannonball/build
  • ./cannonball

OpenGOAL: Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy

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What is OpenGOAL: Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy?

OpenGOAL is an unofficial port of Jak and Daxter: The Precursor Legacy for Windows and Linux.


Setting up OpenGOAL

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create an OpenGOAL folder
  2. Place your Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy ISO directly in the newly created OpenGOAL folder
  3. Download the latest amd64.AppImage from here: and place it in the folder you created in Step 1
    • Example: Download open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage
      • The version number may be different depending on when you are reading this
  4. Right click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable

Installing OpenGOAL

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL, double click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage to open it
  2. Click Set Version, click the Download icon on the row with the latest version at the top
  3. Click the circle icon on the left to select the version and click Save in the top right
  4. On the left side, select Jak and Dexter
  5. On the bottom right, click Install via ISO and select your Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy ISO
  6. The application will begin to decompile your game, this may take a few moments
  7. Once it is finished decompiling, press Continue
  8. To play your game, open this launcher, select Jak and Dexter on the left, and click Play in the bottom right

How to Install Custom Textures

Note: Texture packs need to be zipped in order to be installed from the launcher. This section will use from as an example.

  1. Download the custom textures from the pinned comment on this Youtube Video: to /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL
  2. Double click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage to open it
  3. On the left side, select Jak and Dexter
  4. On the bottom right, select Features, Texture Packs
  5. Click Add New Pack
  6. Select and wait a few moments
  7. Your texture pack will appear below in its own box. Click the red Disabled button to enable your texture pack
  8. Click Apply Texture Changes in the top right and wait a few moments
  9. Your custom textures will now be installed

How to Add OpenGOAL: Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy to Steam

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL, right click anywhere in the blank space, click Create New > Text File
  2. Name it Jak and Dexter: The Precursor
  3. At the top of the text file, write #!/bin/bash
  4. In /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL, double click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage to open it
  5. On the left side, select Jak and Dexter
  6. On the bottom right, click the Gear icon, and click Copy Game Executable Command
  7. In the text file you created in Step 1, right click anywhere below #!/bin/bash and click Paste
  8. Save the text file and exit out
  9. Right click your newly created text file, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  10. Right click the text file, click Add to Steam

Your text file should look similar to the text below:

Text file name:

Jak and Dexter: The Precursor

Text file contents:


/home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL/versions/official/v0.2.0/gk -v --proj-path /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL/active/jak1/data --game jak1 -- -boot -fakeiso

Note: You will need to update this shortcut whenever you update OpenGOAL.

OpenGOAL: Jak II


The folders in this section will be repeated from OpenGOAL: Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy. If you have already installed Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy, you may use the same folders and launcher to install Jak II.

What is OpenGOAL: Jak II?

OpenGOAL is an unofficial port of Jak II for Windows and Linux.


Setting up OpenGOAL

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create an OpenGOAL folder
  2. Place your Jak II ISO directly in the newly created OpenGOAL folder
  3. Download the latest amd64.AppImage from here: and place it in the folder you created in Step 1
    • Example: Download open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage
      • The version number may be different depending on when you are reading this
  4. Right click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable

Installing OpenGOAL

If you already installed OpenGOAL: Jak and Dexter: The Precursor Legacy, you do not need to do Steps 2 and 3 again.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL, double click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage to open it
  2. Click Set Version, click the Download icon on the row with the latest version at the top
  3. Click the circle icon on the left to select the version and click Save in the top right
  4. On the left side, select Jak II
  5. On the bottom right, click Install via ISO and select your Jak II ISO
  6. The application will begin to decompile your game, this may take a few moments
  7. Once it is finished decompiling, press Continue
  8. To play your game, open this launcher, select Jak II on the left, and click Play in the bottom right

How to Install Custom Textures

Note: Texture packs need to be zipped in order to be installed from the launcher.

  1. Download a texture pack of your choice
  2. Double click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage to open it
  3. On the left side, select Jak II
  4. On the bottom right, select Features, Texture Packs
  5. Click Add New Pack
  6. Select your zipped texture pack and wait a few moments
  7. Your texture pack will appear below in its own box. Click the red Disabled button to enable your texture pack
  8. Click Apply Texture Changes in the top right and wait a few moments
  9. Your custom textures will now be installed

How to Add OpenGOAL: Jak II to Steam

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL, right click anywhere in the blank space, click Create New > Text File
  2. Name it Jak
  3. At the top of the text file, write #!/bin/bash
  4. In /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL, double click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage to open it
  5. On the left side, select Jak II
  6. On the bottom right, click the Gear icon, and click Copy Game Executable Command
  7. In the text file you created in Step 1, right click anywhere below #!/bin/bash and click Paste
  8. Save the text file and exit out
  9. Right click your newly created text file, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  10. Right click the text file, click Add to Steam

Your text file should look similar to the text below:

Text file name:


Text file contents:


/home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL/versions/official/v0.2.0/gk -v --proj-path /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL/active/jak2/data --game jak2 -- -boot -fakeiso

Note: You will need to update this shortcut whenever you update OpenGOAL.

Perfect Dark

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What is This Decompilation?

A work-in-progress port of the Perfect Dark decompilation to modern platforms.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following, one line at a time:
    • sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386
    • sudo apt-get update
  4. Enter the following command:
    • sudo apt-get install git gcc g++ gcc-multilib g++-multilib make libsdl2-dev zlib1g-dev libsdl2-dev:i386 zlib1g-dev:i386

Setting Up Perfect Dark

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. Download the i686-linux version from to your Downloads folder
  2. Right click, click Extract archive here, autodetect subfolder
  3. Move the newly extracted pd-i686-linux folder to /home/deck/Applications
  4. Right click pd
  5. Click Properties
  6. Click Permissions
  7. Check Is Executable
  8. Place your Perfect Dark ROM in /home/deck/Applications/pd-i686-linux/data
    • MD5 Hash: e03b088b6ac9e0080440efed07c1e40f
    • To locate your MD5 Hash, right click your ROM, click Properties, click Checksums, click Calculate to the left of MD5 and compare it to the above hash. If it is a match, you have a valid ROM 5
  9. In order to properly launch Perfect Dark, proceed to the next section

How to Launch Perfect Dark

  1. Download attached .sh file
    • Note: If you are using different folder locations, make sure to edit the above file and edit the paths
  2. Place in /home/deck/Applications
  3. Right click
  4. Click Properties
  5. Click Permissions
  6. Check Is Executable
  7. Use to open Perfect Dark

How to Configure Perfect Dark

  1. Open at least once so it can generate the pd.ini file
  2. Open the /home/deck/.local/share/perfectdark/ folder
    • ~/.local is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders
  3. Right click pd.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  4. Customize settings

Recommended Settings

  • Set DefaultWidth to 800
  • Set DefaultHeight to 1200
  • Set DefaultFullscreen to 1



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How to Compile Render96ex on the Steam Deck

What is Render96ex?

An "HD" version of Super Mario 64 based on the rendered advertisements and art published in Nintendo Power.


When you include the HD textures as part of this guide the whole Render96ex install will need 1.1GB of storage. This compares to less than 0.1 GB for the SM64Plus version of the game.

Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following:
    • sudo apt install -y git build-essential pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libsdl2-dev bsdmainutils libglew-dev

Setting Up Render96ex

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone --single-branch --branch alpha
  3. A Render96ex folder will be created, place your Super Mario 64 ROM in this folder
  4. Rename the Super Mario 64 ROM to

Building Render96ex

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/Render96ex/, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make -j4 TEXTURE_FIX=1
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To play Render96ex, open in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/Render96ex/build/us_pc

How to Install Custom Models

  1. Download the latest model pack: to /home/deck/Downloads
  2. Right click Render96_DynOs_v3.2.7z and click Extract archive here, autodetect subfolder
  3. Move the newly extracted Render96_DynOs... folder to /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/Render96ex/build/us_pc/dynos/packs
  4. To enable custom models, in game, press Start, press L2, select Model Packs and enable Render96DynOs...

How to Install Custom Textures

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/Render96ex/build/us_pc/res, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone -b master
  2. The RENDER96-HD-TEXTURE-PACK is now installed

How to Configure Render96ex

  1. While in game, press Start, press R1
  2. Configure settings
Config File
  1. Open in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/Render96ex/build/us_pc at least once so it can generate the sm64config.txt file
  2. Open the /home/deck/.local/share/sm64ex/ folder
    • ~/.local is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders
  3. Right click sm64config.txt, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  4. Customize settings

Ship of Harkinian: Ocarina of Time

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What is Ship of Harkinian?

An unofficial PC port of The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time.


Supported Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ROMs

For a full list of supported ROMs and a ROM validation tool, see

To confirm that you have a valid ROM, drag and drop your ROM to the website above.

Setting up Ship of Harkinian

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You can choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a ShipofHarkinian folder
  2. Download the latest Linux-Performance version of Ship of Harkinian: to the folder you created in Step 1
    • Download the file
  3. Right click the downloaded zip file and click Extract archive here, detect subfolder
  4. Move the soh.AppImage to /home/deck/Applications/ShipofHarkinian
  5. Right click soh.AppImage, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable

Installing Ship of Harkinian

  1. Place your The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time ROM in /home/deck/Applications/ShipofHarkinian
  2. Open soh.AppImage, wait for it to finish generating the OTR
  3. To play Ship of Harkinian, open soh.AppImage

How to Install Custom Textures and Mods

Texture Pack and Mod Sources

This list is not exhaustive

How to Install Custom Textures and Mods

  1. In your Ship of Harkinian folder, create a mods folder, all lowercase
    • /home/deck/Applications/ShipofHarkinian if you used the folders in the above guide
    • Casing matters
  2. Place your mods or textures directly into this folder. Mods or textures typically have a .otr file extension
    • If you have a .rar or .zip file, you will need to extract it first
  3. Depending on the mod or texture pack, you may need to enable it in game as well. Refer to the mod or texture pack for any additional instructions

Ship of Harkinian Save Location

Saves for Ship of Harkinian are in the same folder as the soh.AppImage. If you followed this section, your saves will be in /home/deck/Applications/ShipofHarkinian.


Back to the Top

What is This Decompilation?

A fork of sm64-port/sm64-port with additional features.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following:
    • sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libglew-dev libsdl2-dev bsdmainutils patch

Setting Up sm64ex

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone
  3. A sm64ex folder will be created, place your Super Mario 64 ROM in this folder
  4. Rename the Super Mario 64 ROM to

Building sm64ex

  1. In the sm64ex folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To play sm64ex, open in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64ex/build/us_pc

How to Configure sm64ex

  1. Open in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64ex/build/us_pc at least once so it can generate the sm64config.txt file
  2. Open the /home/deck/.local/share/sm64ex/ folder
    • ~/.local is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders
  3. Right click sm64config.txt, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  4. Customize settings

How to Apply Patches

A 60 FPS patch is included with the GitHub repo for sm64ex. However, you can take what's written here and apply additional patches to sm64ex.

  1. In the /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64ex/enhancements folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here
  2. Enter:
    • git apply 60fps_ex.patch --ignore-whitespace --reject
      • 60fps_ex.patch is the name of the included file. If the file name is different, replace the file name in the above command
  3. You will need to re-build sm64ex for the patches to apply. To do so, enter the Ubuntu Distrobox and run make clean in the `/home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64ex folder


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What is This Decompilation?

Online multiplayer mod for SM64 that synchronizes all entities and every level for multiple players. Fork of sm64pc/sm64ex.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following:
    • sudo apt install build-essential git python3 libglew-dev libsdl2-dev libz-dev bsdmainutils

Setting Up sm64ex-coop

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone
  3. A sm64ex-coop folder will be created, place your Super Mario 64 ROM in this folder
  4. Rename the Super Mario 64 ROM to

Building sm64ex-coop

  1. In the sm64ex-coop folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make -j4
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To play sm64ex-coop, open in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64ex-coop/build/us_pc

How to Configure sm64ex-coop

  1. Open in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64ex-coop/build/us_pc
  2. On the main menu, click Options

How to Play Multiplayer


Sonic 1 and 2

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To compile Sonic 1 and 2, you will need a legally obtained copy of a Data.rsdk file, obtained either from the Sonic 1 and 2 versions on the Android or iOS versions. For instructions, see Android and iOS.

What is This Decompilation?

A complete decompilation of Retro Engine v4 and the menus from Sonic 1 and 2 (2013).


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following:
    • sudo apt install build-essential git libsdl2-dev libvorbis-dev libogg-dev libglew-dev libdecor-0-dev

Setting Up Sonic 1 and 2

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone --recursive
  3. A Sonic-1-2-2013-Decompilation folder will be created

Building Sonic 1 and 2

  1. In the Sonic-1-2-2013-Decompilation folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make -j5
  3. In the Sonic-1-2-2013-Decompilation, a bin folder will be created
  4. If you would like to play both Sonic 1 and 2, make a copy of the bin folder directly in the Sonic-1-2-2013-Decompilation folder
  5. Rename the original bin and the copied folder to Sonic 1 and Sonic 2 respectively
    • This step is for easier folder management, it is a recommendation and not a requirement
  6. Place the matching Data.rsdk in each folder
  7. To play Sonic 1 and 2, open RSDKv4

How to Configure Sonic 1 and 2

  1. In the respective Sonic 1 and 2 folder, after launching RSDKv4 for the first time, a settings.ini will be created
  2. Right click settings.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  3. Customize settings

How to Mod Sonic 1 and 2

Mod Resources

This list is not comprehensive

  1. In the respective Sonic 1 or Sonic 2 folders, create a mod folder
  2. Download and extract mod(s) to the mod folder
    • A mod folder should typically have a Data folder and a mod.ini file
  3. Right click settings.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  4. Change DevMenu=false to DevMenu=true and save and close out of the file
  5. While in game, press Start and you should see a list of your mod(s)
  6. To activate/toggle a mod, press A on the respective mod

Sonic CD

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To compile Sonic CD, you will need a legally obtained copy of a Data.rsdk file, obtained either from the Sonic CD versions on the Android or iOS versions. For instructions, see Android and iOS.

What is This Decompilation?

A complete decompilation of Retro Engine v3/Sonic CD.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following command:
    • sudo apt install build-essential git libsdl2-dev libvorbis-dev libogg-dev libtheora-dev libglew-dev

Setting Up Sonic CD

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone --recursive
  3. A Sonic-CD-11-Decompilation folder will be created

Building Sonic CD

  1. In the Sonic-CD-11-Decompilation folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make CXXFLAGS=-O2 -j5
  3. In the Sonic-CD-11-Decompilation, a bin folder will be created
  4. Place the Data.rsdk you retrieved from How to Compile Sonic CD on the Steam Deck directly into the bin folder
  5. To play Sonic CD, open RSDKv4

How to Configure Sonic CD

  1. In the bin, after launching RSDKv4 for the first time, a settings.ini will be created
  2. Right click settings.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  3. Customize settings

How to Mod Sonic CD

Mod Resources

This list is not comprehensive

  1. In the bin folders, create a mod folder
  2. Download and extract mod(s) to the mod folder
    • A mod folder should typically have a Data folder and a mod.ini file
  3. Right click settings.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  4. Change DevMenu=false to DevMenu=true and save and close out of the file
  5. While in game, press Start and you should see a list of your mod(s)
  6. To activate/toggle a mod, press A on the respective mod

Super Mario 64 Plus

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How to Compile Super Mario 64 Plus on the Steam Deck

What is Super Mario 64 Plus?

SM64Plus is a fork of sm64-port that focuses on customizability and aims to add features that not only fix some of the issues found in the base game but also enhance the gameplay overall with extra options.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following command:
    • sudo apt install -y git build-essential pkg-config libusb-1.0-0-dev libsdl2-dev bsdmainutils

Setting Up Super Mario 64 Plus

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone
  3. A sm64plus folder will be created, place your Super Mario 64 ROM in this folder
  4. Rename the Super Mario 64 ROM to

Building Super Mario 64 Plus

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64plus/, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make -j4
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To play Super Mario 64 Plus, open in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64plus/build/us_pc
    • The game may have missing HUD UI textures, to fix these, read the next section

How to Fix the Missing HUD UI textures

  1. Download attached .sh file
    • Note: If you are using different folder locations, make sure to edit the above file and edit the paths
  2. Place in /home/deck/Applications
  3. Right click
  4. Click Properties
  5. Click Permissions
  6. Check Is Executable
  7. Use to open SM64Plus

How to Configure Super Mario 64 Plus

  1. Open in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64plus/build/us_pc at least once so it can generate the settings.ini file
  2. Open the /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm64plus/build/us_pc folder
  3. Right click settings.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  4. Customize settings

Recommended Settings

  • Set window_height to 800

How to Add Super Mario 64 Plus to Steam

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, right click, click Add to Steam
  2. After adding it to Steam, you may rename the shortcut in Steam directly

Super Mario Bros

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How to Compile Super Mario Bros on the Steam Deck

Note: This section requires a legal copy of Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars ROMs for the SNES.

What is this?

A reverse engineered clone of Super Mario Bros.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following command:
    • sudo apt install libsdl2-dev python3-pip make python3-zstandard

How to Set Up Super Mario Bros

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone smb1
  3. A smb1 folder will be created, place your Super Mario All-Stars ROM in /home/deck/Applications/smb1/other
    • SHA256 Hash: c05817c5b7df2fbfe631563e0b37237156a8f6b6
    • To locate your SHA256 Hash, right click your ROM, click Properties, click Checksums, click Calculate to the left of SHA1 and compare it to the above hash. If it is a match, you have a valid ROM
  4. Rename the Super Mario World ROM to smas.sfc
  5. Place your Super Mario World ROM in /home/deck/Distrobox/Applications/smbll
    • SHA256 Hash: 6b47bb75d16514b6a476aa0c73a683a2a4c18765
    • To locate your SHA256 Hash, right click your ROM, click Properties, click Checksums, click Calculate to the left of SHA1 and compare it to the above hash. If it is a match, you have a valid ROM
  6. Rename the Super Mario World ROM to smw.sfc

How to Build Super Mario Bros

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smb1/other, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • python3
  3. Change directories to /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smb1 by entering the following:
    • cd ..
    • If you are not comfortable with the terminal, you may also open a terminal in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smb1, enter the Distrobox again by entering: distrobox enter ubuntu
  4. Enter:
    • make
  5. Wait for it to finish building

How to Play Super Mario Bros

  1. Download attached .sh file
    • Note: If you are using different folder locations, make sure to edit the above file and edit the paths
  2. Place in /home/deck/Applications
  3. Right click
  4. Click Properties
  5. Click Permissions
  6. Check Is Executable
  7. Use to open Super Mario Bros

How to Configure Super Mario Bros

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smb1/, right click smw.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Customize settings


  • Set Fullscreen to 1

Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels

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How to Compile Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels on the Steam Deck

Note: This section requires a legal copy of Super Mario World and Super Mario All-Stars ROMs for the SNES.

What is this?

A reverse engineered clone of Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following command:
    • sudo apt install libsdl2-dev python3-pip make git python3-zstandard

How to Set Up Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone smbll
  3. A smbll folder will be created, place your Super Mario All-Stars ROM in /home/deck/Distrobox/Applications/smbll/other
    • SHA256 Hash: c05817c5b7df2fbfe631563e0b37237156a8f6b6
    • To locate your SHA256 Hash, right click your ROM, click Properties, click Checksums, click Calculate to the left of SHA1 and compare it to the above hash. If it is a match, you have a valid ROM
  4. Rename the Super Mario All-Stars ROM to smas.sfc
  5. Place your Super Mario World ROM in /home/deck/Distrobox/Applications/smbll
    • SHA256 Hash: 6b47bb75d16514b6a476aa0c73a683a2a4c18765
    • To locate your SHA256 Hash, right click your ROM, click Properties, click Checksums, click Calculate to the left of SHA1 and compare it to the above hash. If it is a match, you have a valid ROM
  6. Rename the Super Mario World ROM to smw.sfc

How to Build Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smbll/other, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • python3
  3. Change directories to /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smbll by entering the following:
    • cd ..
    • If you are not comfortable with the terminal, you may also open a terminal in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smbll, enter the Distrobox again by entering: distrobox enter ubuntu
  4. Enter:
    • make
  5. Wait for it to finish building

How to Play Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels

  1. Download attached .sh file
    • Note: If you are using different folder locations, make sure to edit the above file and edit the paths
  2. Place in /home/deck/Applications
  3. Right click
  4. Click Properties
  5. Click Permissions
  6. Check Is Executable
  7. Use to open Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels

How to Configure Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smbll/, right click smw.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Customize settings


  • Set Fullscreen to 1

Super Mario World

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How to Compile Super Mario World on the Steam Deck

What is this?

A reverse engineered clone of Super Mario World.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following command:
    • sudo apt install libsdl2-dev python3-pip make git python3-zstandard

How to Set Up Super Mario World

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone
  3. A smw folder will be created, place your Super Mario World ROM in /home/deck/Applications/smw
    • SHA256 Hash: 6b47bb75d16514b6a476aa0c73a683a2a4c18765
    • To locate your SHA256 Hash, right click your ROM, click Properties, click Checksums, click Calculate to the left of SHA1 and compare it to the above hash. If it is a match, you have a valid ROM
  4. Rename the Super Mario World ROM to smw.sfc

How to Build Super Mario World

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smw/, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To play Super Mario World, open smw in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smw/

How to Configure Super Mario World

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smw/, right click smw.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Customize settings


  • Set Fullscreen to 1

How to Mod Super Mario World

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smw/, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • git clone
  3. Enter:
    • pip install --break-system-packages --user bsdiff4
  4. Select a mod:
    • You do not need to download any additional content from the links below. They are strictly for additional context on what the mod entails
    • You can only have one mod active at a time. These mods will override the base Super Mario World game
    • Return to Dinosaur Land
      • Enter:
        • python3 assets/ --hack=return_dino_land
    • SMW with Levels from NSMB
      • Enter:
        • python3 assets/ --hack=nsmb
    • Super Mario World Enhanced
      • Enter:
        • python3 assets/ --hack=enhanced
    • Super Mario World Redrawn
      • Enter:
        • python3 assets/ --hack=redrawn
    • To remove a mod and play vanilla Super Mario World
      • Enter:
        • python3 assets/
  5. To play the mod you selected, open smw in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/smw/

Super Metroid

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How to Build Super Metroid on the Steam Deck

What is this?

A reverse engineered clone of Super Metroid.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following:
    • sudo apt install libsdl2-dev python3-pip make git

Setting Up Super Metroid

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone --recursive
  3. A sm folder will be created, place your US Super Metroid ROM in /home/deck/Applications/sm
  4. Rename the Super Metroid ROM to sm.smc

Building Super Metroid

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To play Super Metroid, open sm in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm/

How to Configure Super Metroid

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm/, right click sm.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Customize settings

Super Metroid Redux

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How to Build Super Metroid Redux on the Steam Deck

What is this?

A port of Super Metroid Redux:, using a reverse engineered clone of Super Metroid.



Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following:
    • sudo apt install libsdl2-dev python3-pip make git

Patching Super Metroid Redux

  1. Download the patch here:
  2. Use the romhacking website here to patch your ROM:

Setting Up Super Metroid Redux

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone --recursive
  3. A sm-redux folder will be created, place your patched US Super Metroid ROM in /home/deck/Applications/sm-redux
  4. Rename the patched Super Metroid ROM to sm.smc

Building Super Metroid Redux

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm-redux, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To play Super Metroid Redux, open sm in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm-redux/

How to Configure Super Metroid Redux

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm-redux/, right click sm.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Customize settings

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How to Compile zelda3 on the Steam Deck

What is zelda3?

A reverse engineered clone of Zelda 3 - A Link to the Past.


Installing Prerequisites

Note: In lieu of the following, you can simply download the zelda3 flatpak from the Discover store in Desktop Mode.

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following commands one line at a time:
    • sudo apt install libsdl2-dev python3-pip make git python3-zstandard python3-yaml python3-pillow

How to Set Up zelda3

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone
  3. A zelda3 folder will be created, place your US Link to the Past ROM in /home/deck/Applications/zelda3
    • SHA256 Hash: 66871d66be19ad2c34c927d6b14cd8eb6fc3181965b6e517cb361f7316009cfb
    • To locate your SHA256 Hash, right click your ROM, click Properties, click Checksums, click Calculate to the left of SHA1 and compare it to the above hash. If it is a match, you have a valid ROM
  4. Rename the Link to the Past ROM to zelda3.sfc

How to Build zelda3

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/zelda3/, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • make
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To play zelda3, open zelda3 in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/zelda3/

How to Configure zelda3

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/zelda3/, right click zelda3.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Customize settings


  • Set ExtendedAspectRatio to 16:10
  • Set Fullscreen to 1

How to Customize Sprites

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/zelda3/, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone --recursive
  2. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/zelda3/, right click zelda3.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  3. Remove the # at the beginning of this line: # LinkGraphics = sprites-gfx/snes/zelda3/link/sheets/megaman-x.2.zspr
  4. Replace megaman-x.2.zspr with the sprite of your choice

For a full list of sprites, visit:

To find the file name to place in zelda3.ini
  1. On, right click the link above the sprite you would like to use, click Copy Link
  2. In a new tab, paste the URL
    • If you press enter, it will download the sprite
  3. The sprite file name will be at the end of the URL
  4. Example (Crewmate):
  5. In zelda3.ini, replace megaman-x.2.zspr at the end: LinkGraphics = sprites-gfx/snes/zelda3/link/sheets/megaman-x.2.zspr with crewmate2.zspr
  6. Example: LinkGraphics = sprites-gfx/snes/zelda3/link/sheets/crewmate2.zspr

How to Enable MSU1 CD Soundtrack Files

Choose a soundtrack from:


  1. Download Alternative New Soundtrack For Randomizers by JUD6MENT (updated: Sep 27, 2021) from: to your /home/deck/Downloads folder
  2. Right click Zelda Alternative Soundtrack by JUD6MENT (update Sep-21-2021).zip, click Extract archive here, autodetect subfolder
  3. Rename the newly extracted Zelda Alternative Soundtrack by JUD6MENT (update Sep-21-2021) folder to msu
    • msu is case sensitive
  4. Move the msu folder to /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/zelda3/
  5. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/zelda3/, right click zelda3.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  6. Edit the line: EnableMSU = false so it instead writes: EnableMSU = true
  7. MSU1 CD Soundtrack Files are now enabled

Zelda64: Majora's Mask

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What is Zelda64?


Zelda 64: Recompiled is a project that uses N64: Recompiled to statically recompile Majora's Mask (and soon Ocarina of Time) into a native port with many new features and enhancements. This project uses RT64 as the rendering engine to provide some of these enhancements.


How to Set Up Zelda64

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Zelda64 folder
  2. Download the latest version of Zelda64, to /home/deck/Applications/Zelda64
    • Download the Zelda64Recompiled-v*.*.* file
  3. Right click Zelda64Recompiled-v*.*.*, click Extract > Extract archive here
    • If it creates a subfolder, move the contents directly to /home/deck/Applications/Zelda64
  4. Right click Zelda64Recompiled-x86_64.AppImage, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  5. Place a legally dumped US copy of The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask in /home/deck/Applications/Zelda64
  6. To open Zelda64Recompiled-x86_64.AppImage, double click it
  7. Click Select ROM and select the ROM in /home/deck/Applications/Zelda64

How to Configure Zelda64

  1. Open Zelda64Recompiled-x86_64.AppImage at least once so it can generate the configuration files
  2. Open the /home/deck/.config/Zelda64Recompiled folder
    • ~/.config is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders
  3. Right click general.json, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  4. Tweak settings
    • You may also tweak settings directly from the GUI

Zelda64: Save Location

Saves can be found in the /home/deck/.config/Zelda64Recompiled folder. ~/.config is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders.

General Maintenance

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How to Add Decompilations and Reverse Engineered PC Ports to Steam

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This section will use a simple script file to launch the various decompilations and reverse engineered ports on this page. You will need to create a script file per game.

How to Create Script Files

  1. Script Files: Group 1
  2. Script Files: Group 2
  3. Script Files: Group 3
  4. Script Files: Group 4
  5. Script Files: Group 5

Script Files: Group 1

  1. In Emulation/roms/desktop, right click anywhere in the blank space, click Create New > Text File and give the text file a descriptive name (matching the game name typically) with a .sh file extension
    • For example: Super or The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the
  2. Open the text file in a text editor of your choice
  3. Enter the following (including the quotes):

    cd "/path/to/game"
  4. Edit the path to where your game executable is located

    • For example:
      cd "/home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/sm"
  5. Save and exit out of the file

  6. Right click your newly created text file, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  7. You may now open the game by double clicking the newly created text file


  • If your path is in the home directory, you may also replace /home/$USER (home/deck if you are on a Steam Deck) with $HOME

    • For example:
      cd "$HOME/Applications/Distrobox/sm"
  • For Super Mario Bros and Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels, you will also need to include the path to the respective game file in addition to the smw executable. For more information, see How to Play Super Mario Bros and How to Play Super Mario Bros: The Lost Levels.

Script Files: Group 2

  1. Download attached .sh file
    • Note: If you are using different folder locations, make sure to edit the above file and edit the paths
  2. Place in Emulation/roms/desktop
  3. Right click your newly created text file, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  4. You may now open the game by double clicking the newly created text file

Script Files: Group 3

  1. Download attached .sh file
    • Note: If you are using different folder locations, make sure to edit the above file and edit the paths
  2. Place in Emulation/roms/desktop
  3. Right click your newly created text file, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  4. Use to open Perfect Dark

Script Files: Group 4

  1. In a folder of your choice, create a text file and give it a descriptive name (matching the game name typically) with a .sh file extension
    • For example: Ship of
  2. Open the text file in a text editor of your choice
  3. Enter the following:

    cd "/path/to/folderofgameexecutable"
  4. Edit the paths to where your game executable is located

    • For example:
      cd "/home/deck/Applications/ShipofHarkinian"
  5. Save and exit out of the file

  6. Right click your newly created text file, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable


  • If your path is in the home directory, you may also replace /home/$USER (home/deck if you are on a Steam Deck) with $HOME
    • For example:
      cd "$HOME/Applications/ShipofHarkinian"

Script Files: Group 5

  1. In Emulation/roms/desktop, right click anywhere in the blank space, click Create New > Text File
  2. Name it matching the respective Jak and Dexter game
  3. At the top of the text file, write #!/bin/bash
  4. In /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL, double click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage to open it
  5. On the left side, select the matching Jak and Dexter game you created the script file for in Step 2
  6. On the bottom right, click the Gear icon, and click Copy Game Executable Command
  7. In the text file you created in Step 1, right click anywhere below #!/bin/bash and click Paste
  8. Save the text file and exit out
  9. Right click your newly created text file, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  10. You may now open the game by double clicking the newly created text file

Note: You will need to update this shortcut whenever you update OpenGOAL.

How to Utilize Script Files with ES-DE and Pegasus

  1. Place your script files in Emulation/roms/desktop
  2. In Game Mode, open ES-DE or Pegasus and play your newly created script files

How to Utilize Script Files with Steam ROM Manager

  1. Place your script files in Emulation/roms/desktop
  2. In /home/deck/.config/steam-rom-manager/userData/, open userConfigurations.json in a text editor of your choice
  3. Scroll to the very bottom of the text file, you will see a } and a ], add a comma to }
    • Steam ROM Manager Parser
  4. Paste the below block of text between the }, and the ]

           "parserType": "Glob",
           "configTitle": "Decompilations",
           "steamDirectory": "${steamdirglobal}",
           "steamCategory": "${Decompilations}",
           "romDirectory": "${romsdirglobal}/desktop",
           "executableArgs": "",
           "executableModifier": "\"${exePath}\"",
           "startInDirectory": "",
           "titleModifier": "${fuzzyTitle}",
           "fetchControllerTemplatesButton": null,
           "removeControllersButton": null,
           "imageProviders": [
           "onlineImageQueries": "${${fuzzyTitle}}",
           "imagePool": "${fuzzyTitle}",
           "userAccounts": {
                 "specifiedAccounts": null
           "executable": {
                 "path": "",
                 "shortcutPassthrough": true,
                 "appendArgsToExecutable": true
           "parserInputs": {
                 "glob": "**/${title}@(.sh|.SH|.desktop|.DESKTOP)"
           "titleFromVariable": {
                 "limitToGroups": "",
                 "caseInsensitiveVariables": false,
                 "skipFileIfVariableWasNotFound": false,
                 "tryToMatchTitle": false
           "fuzzyMatch": {
                 "replaceDiacritics": true,
                 "removeCharacters": true,
                 "removeBrackets": true
           "controllers": {
                 "ps4": null,
                 "ps5": null,
                 "xbox360": null,
                 "xboxone": null,
                 "switch_joycon_left": null,
                 "switch_joycon_right": null,
                 "switch_pro": null,
                 "neptune": null
           "imageProviderAPIs": {
                 "SteamGridDB": {
                    "nsfw": false,
                    "humor": false,
                    "styles": [],
                    "stylesHero": [],
                    "stylesLogo": [],
                    "stylesIcon": [],
                    "imageMotionTypes": [
           "defaultImage": {
                 "tall": null,
                 "long": null,
                 "hero": null,
                 "logo": null,
                 "icon": null
           "localImages": {
                 "tall": null,
                 "long": null,
                 "hero": null,
                 "logo": null,
                 "icon": null
           "parserId": "168816977280299277",
           "version": 15
  5. Open Steam ROM Manager, toggle the Decompilations parser and generate an app list to add your games to Steam

How to Update Decompilations and Reverse Engineered PC Ports

Back to the Top

  1. Updating: Group 1
  2. Updating: Group 2
  3. Updating: Group 3
  4. Updating: Group 4
  5. Updating: Group 5

Updating: Group 1

  1. In the respective folder, open a terminal and enter:
    • git pull origin main
    • If this does not work, try:
      • git pull origin master
  2. Resolve any conflicts
    • If it states an ini file is in conflict, rename the pre-existing ini file and add a .bak at the end of the file name
      • For example: smw.ini.bak
  3. Re-build the game
    • You may need to do make clean first using a terminal in the root of the project folder
    • You may reference the various sections to re-build the game. The steps will be identical

Updating: Group 2

  1. Download the i686-linux version from to your Downloads folder
  2. Right click, click Extract archive here, autodetect subfolder
  3. Move the newly extracted pd-i686-linux folder to /home/deck/Applications
  4. Overwrite the current pd file
  5. Right click pd
  6. Click Properties
  7. Click Permissions
  8. Check Is Executable

Updating: Group 3

  1. Download the latest Linux version of 2Ship2Harkinian: to /home/deck/Applications/2Ship2Harkinian
    • Download the file
  2. Right click the downloaded zip file and click Extract > Extract archive here
  3. Overwrite the current 2ship.appimage file
  4. Right click 2ship.appimage, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  5. When a new OTR is required, delete the current OTR files in /home/deck/Applications/2Ship2Harkinian and re-run the 2ship.appimage file by double clicking it to generate new OTR files
Ship of Harkinian: Ocarina of Time
  1. Download the latest Linux-Performance version of Ship of Harkinian: to /home/deck/Applications/ShipofHarkinian
    • Download the file
  2. Right click the downloaded zip file and click Extract > Extract archive here
  3. Overwrite the current soh.AppImage file
  4. Right click soh.AppImage, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  5. When a new OTR is required, delete the current OTR files in /home/deck/Applications/ShipofHarkinian and re-run the soh.AppImage file by double clicking it to generate new OTR files

Updating: Group 4

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/OpenGOAL, double click open-goal-launcher_#.#.#_amd64.AppImage to open it
  2. On the left, select the Gear icon, click Versions at the top, click the Download icon on the top-most row (usually will also have the most recent date)
  3. Click the circle icon on the left to select the version and click Save in the top right
  4. Click the game you would like to update on the left
  5. You will receive a message requesting you to update the game, click Update Game and wait a few moments
  6. Your game will now be updated to the latest version

Note: Do not forget to update the shortcut as well whenever you update OpenGOAL.

Updating: Group 5

  1. Download the latest version of Zelda64, to /home/deck/Applications/Zelda64
    • Download the Zelda64Recompiled-v*.*.* file
  2. Right click Zelda64Recompiled-v*.*.*, click Extract > Extract archive here
    • Overwrite the current AppImage
    • If it creates a subfolder, move the contents directly to /home/deck/Applications/Zelda64
    • If you do not overwrite the outdated AppImage, simply delete it instead
  3. Right click Zelda64Recompiled-x86_64.AppImage, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable


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BlueMaxima's Flashpoint

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Hypseus Singe

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What is AM2R?

It is an unofficial remake of the 1991 Game Boy game Metroid II: Return of Samus in the style of Metroid: Zero Mission (2004).


How to Play AM2R

Note: You will need a copy of, this section will not cover how to obtain that file.

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Discover
  2. Search for AM2R
  3. Download AM2R
  4. Open AM2R and click the big Download button on the main screen
  5. Select Select, select your file, and play the game

How to add AM2R to Steam

  1. Download attached .sh file
  2. Place in /home/deck/Applications
  3. Right click
  4. Click Properties
  5. Click Permissions
  6. Check Is Executable
  7. Use to open AM2R
  8. In Desktop Mode, right click, click Add to Steam

Back to the Top

Dive into the enchanting world of The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening DX as you've never experienced it before, with this meticulously crafted PC version that breathes new life into this classic adventure. Immerse yourself in the nostalgia of Koholint Island with enhanced graphics and widescreen support, bringing the charming landscapes and characters to vivid detail on your modern PC display.


Note: You will need a copy of Link's Awakening DX HD, this section will not cover how to locate it. Shortly after Link's Awakening DX HD released, it received a takedown notice by Nintendo and its official page with the game download was shut down.

  1. Open Konsole
  2. Enter:
    • mkdir -p $HOME/Games/Links_Awakening_DX_HD/pfx
    • This command will create a couple of empty folders to make managing and installing Link's Awakening DX HD easier
  3. Place your game files directly in $HOME/Games/Links_Awakening_DX_HD
    • If you are on a Steam Deck, this path may be /home/deck/Games/Links_Awakening_DX_HD
  1. In Desktop Mode, open Discover
  2. Search for Lutris
  3. Download Lutris
  4. Open Lutris and click the Wine button on the left, click the Manage versions button
  5. Download wine-ge-8-25
  6. Close out of the Manage versions menu and click the + button in the top left
  7. Click Add locally installed game
  8. Game Info tab:
    • Name: Link's Awakening DX HD
    • Sort name: Leave blank
    • Runner: Wine (runs Windows games)
    • Release year: Leave blank
  9. Game options:
    • Executable: Click the Browse button and navigate to the Link's Awakening DX HD.exe file in $HOME/Games/Links_Awakening_DX_HD
      • If you are on a Steam Deck, this path may be /home/deck/Games/Links_Awakening_DX_HD/Link's Awakening DX HD.exe
    • Arguments: Leave blank
    • Working directory: Leave blank
    • Wine prefix: Click the Browse button and select the pfx folder in $HOME/Games/Links_Awakening_DX_HD
      • If you are on a Steam Deck, this path may be /home/deck/Games/Links_Awakening_DX_HD/pfx
    • Prefix architecture: Auto (default)
  10. Runner options:
    • Wine version: wine-ge-8-25-x86-64
    • You do not need to adjust any additional settings on this tab
  11. Click Save in the top right
  12. Single click Link's Awakening DX HD in Lutris and click the Wine icon at the bottom of the screen, click Winetricks
  13. Click Select the default wineprefix and click OK
  14. Select Install a Windows DLL or component and click OK
  15. Select dotnetdesktop6 under the Package column and click OK, wait for it to finish installing
  16. Close out of winetricks
  17. To play Link's Awakening DX HD, open Lutris, click the Link's Awakening DX HD square and click Play in the bottom middle of the screen
  1. Open Lutris
  2. Right click Link's Awakening DX HD, click Create desktop shortcut
  3. A shortcut of Link's Awakening DX HD will be added to your desktop
  4. On your desktop, right click Link's Awakening DX HD and click Add to Steam


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Note: You will need a legal copy of the following games:

  • Pokemon Black or Pokemon White
  • Optional:
    • Pokemon Fire Red
    • Pokemon Platinum
    • Pokemon Emerald
    • Pokemon HeartGold or Pokemon SoulSilver

How to Install PokeMMO

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In the /home/deck/Applications folder, create a PokeMMO folder
  2. Install Java, for instructions see How To Install Java on the Steam Deck
  3. Download PokeMMO: to /home/deck/Games/PokeMMO
    • Under Other Distributions, click Download the Client
  4. Extract to /home/deck/Games/PokeMMO
    • If it creates a subfolder, move the contents directly to /home/deck/Games/PokeMMO
  5. Right click, click Properties, click Permissions, check Is Executable
  6. Right click, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  7. At the top of the file, below #!/bin/sh, write the following two lines:

    export JAVA_HOME=$HOME/Applications/jdk
    export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$PATH
  8. Save and exit out of the file

  9. To open PokeMMO, double click

How to add PokeMMO to Steam

  1. In Desktop Mode, right click in /home/deck/Games/PokeMMO, click Add to Steam

Sonic 3 A.I.R.

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To play Sonic 3 A.I.R., you will need an original and legal copy of Sonic 3 & Knuckles from the Steam version of Sonic 3 & Knuckles. This section will not cover how to obtain that file. For more information, see

Sonic 3 A.I.R. has a comprehensive manual covering many of the features and settings in the game. See

What is Sonic 3 A.I.R.

A fan-made widescreen remaster of Sonic 3 & Knuckles.


Setting Up Sonic 3 A.I.R.

  1. In Desktop Mode, open Discover
  2. Search for Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited
  3. Download Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited
  4. Open Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited
  5. Select your Sonic 3 & Knuckles game file

Sonic 3: Angel Island Revisited Folder and File Locations


├── cache
├── config
└── data
    └── Sonic3AIR
        ├── logfile.txt
        ├── mods
        ├── settings_input.json
        ├── settings.json
        └── Sonic_Knuckles_wSonic3.bin

How to Configure Sonic 3 A.I.R.

  1. Open the /home/deck/.var/app/org.sonic3air.Sonic3AIR/data/Sonic3AIR folder
    • ~/.var is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders
  2. Right click settings.json or settings_input.json, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
    • settings.json is specifically for game settings
    • settings_input.json is specifically for game controls
  3. Customize settings

How to Mod Sonic 3 A.I.R.

Mod Resources

This list is not comprehensive

  1. Open the /home/deck/.var/app/org.sonic3air.Sonic3AIR/data/Sonic3AIR folder
    • ~/.var is a hidden folder by default. In Dolphin (file manager), click the hamburger menu in the top right, click Show Hidden Files to see these folders
  2. Download and extract mod(s) to the mod folder
    • A mod folder should typically have a Data folder and a mod.ini file
  3. To activate/toggle the mod(s), open Sonic 3 A.I.R.. On the main menu, click the Mods button

How to add Sonic 3 A.I.R. to Steam

  1. Download attached .sh file
  2. Place in /home/deck/Applications
  3. Right click
  4. Click Properties
  5. Click Permissions
  6. Check Is Executable
  7. Use to open Sonic 3 A.I.R.
  8. In Desktop Mode, right click, click Add to Steam

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What is this?


A powerful and versatile yet easy to use game scraper written in C++ for use with multiple frontends running on a Linux system (macOS and Windows too, but not officially supported). It scrapes and caches various game resources from various scraping sources, including media such as screenshot, cover and video. It then gives you the option to generate a game list and artwork for the chosen frontend by combining all of the cached resources.


Installing Prerequisites

  1. To do the steps in this section, you will need to have created an Ubuntu Distrobox. If you have not created one already, see How to Set up Distrobox for instructions
  2. Enter the Distrobox by opening Konsole and entering:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  3. Enter the following command:
    • sudo apt install qtbase5-dev qtchooser qt5-qmake qtbase5-dev-tools p7zip-full build-essential

How to Set Up Skyscraper

Note: The following folder locations are recommendations. You may choose a different folder location.

  1. In /home/deck/Applications, create a Distrobox folder
  2. In the Distrobox folder, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • git clone
  3. A skyscraper folder will be created

How to Build Skyscraper

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/skyscraper/, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • ./
  3. Wait for it to finish building
  4. To open Skyscraper, open Skyscraper in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/skyscraper/ using a terminal
    • For example, right click anywhere in /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/skyscraper/, click Open Terminal Here, and type ./Skyscraper
    • You do not need to enter the Distrobox again to open Skyscraper

How to Configure Skyscraper

  1. In /home/deck/.skyscraper, right click config.ini, click Open with Kate or a text editor of your choice
  2. Customize settings

How to Update Skyscraper

  1. In /home/deck/Applications/Distrobox/skyscraper/, right click anywhere in the folder, click Open Terminal Here, enter:
    • distrobox enter ubuntu
  2. Enter:
    • ./
  3. Wait for it to finish updating

Skyscraper Usage

For more detailed information on how to use Skyscraper, see the Scraping section on the Pegasus page.

How to Contribute to This Page

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You will need to create a GitHub account first. To sign up for GitHub, see

  1. Open
  2. Click the Pencil icon in the top right
  3. Create a new section below the most recently added section under the respective category
    • For example: ##### Paper Mario 64 Decompilation
    • Make sure to add your section to the respective section in the Table of Contents as well
  4. Write your section
    • If you are using a Distrobox for your instructions, you may link to How to Set Up Distrobox
    • If you are using external script files, embed them in code blocks instead
  5. Once you are finished making your changes, click the Commit changes... button in the top right
    • How to Contribute to the Wiki 2
  6. You will be prompted to create a Pull Request. Add a little bit of detail about what you added and why
    • How to Contribute to the Wiki 3
    • You will not see the option to Commit directly to the main branch so do not worry about inadvertently making any changes
  7. Submit your Pull Request
  8. Once your Pull Request is reviewed, it will be merged and any of your changes will automatically be deployed to this page